Wednesday, April 5, 2017

What is TPM Solutions?

TPM SOLUTIONS is a public charity. Since 2017. Our mission is simple. We're giving support to individuals and communities where low income thrives. We're taking the necessary steps to help make sure your home is not left behind. Have you had a tarp on your since 2004? Have you been duped by fraud? Are you working three jobs in order to scrap up enough just to survive? Now is the time to join our cause. Support our mission. Growing with us is a decision you will be happy with. We serve all of Florida.

We care about the community. We want to support inner cities and low income housings. We want to educate our senior citizens when it comes to technology, reading skills and programs.

Are you coming aboard?

All that you give now supports someone else in need. Our mission is simple. We support our communities. (A mission statement is not simply...